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ApprovalMax Branding & Website

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ApprovalMax Branding & Website

We created a HubSpot-based page builder meant to give the client full control over their website without requiring coding expertise. It includes reusable modules, custom components, and pre-designed pages aligned with client branding.


ApprovalMax Limited


Jan 24 - Jun 24

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Tech Stack

HubSpot, HTTP Request Variables, Miro, Figma, Atomic Design, ClickUp


Dominika Jarzębowska: UX/UI Designer, Marcin Owczarzak: Developer, Łukasz Lassota: Developer, Łukasz Olbryś: UI Designer, Mateusz Juruś: Developer, Karol Krzyściak: Developer, Agata Gałka: QA


UX design, UI design, website development, quality assurance

Link to case study:


Project Background

ApprovalMax, a growing financial software company, approached Adchitects with the need for a flexible, easily manageable website solution. The client required a system that would allow them to modify and expand their website content without relying on constant developer intervention. Additionally, ApprovalMax needed to ensure their branding was consistently applied across all web pages, requiring us to incorporate their visual identity into the solution.

Initial Problem

ApprovalMax faced limitations with their existing website, lacking the ability to easily modify content or create new pages without technical expertise. They needed a solution that would empower their team to manage website content independently while maintaining brand consistency. The challenge was to create a system flexible enough for non-technical users yet robust enough to preserve the integrity of ApprovalMax's branding across all web pages.

Duration of the Process

The project had a defined timeline spanning six months, from January 2024 to June 2024. This half-year period encompassed all phases of the project, including intensive planning, brand development, design, and implementation. Despite the extended timeline, the team still faced tight deadlines within this period, often working overtime to ensure all project milestones were met. This six-month duration allowed for a comprehensive approach to both branding and website development, ensuring that all aspects of the project received thorough attention while still maintaining a focused and efficient development process.

Challenges Faced

The project presented several challenges, including balancing project scope with budget constraints, which required careful prioritization of components. Meeting tight deadlines while delivering a comprehensive solution was another significant hurdle. The team also had to integrate a client-side developer into the workflow without compromising the project timeline.

Creating a user-friendly interface for non-technical staff to manage complex web components was crucial, as was ensuring consistency in design and functionality across multiple page variations and color schemes.

Participants' Roles in the Process

The project involved a diverse team with specific roles. Dominika Jarzębowska led the UX/UI design process and component planning. Marcin Owczarzak and Mateusz Juruś spearheaded the website development efforts, with valuable support from Karol Krzyściak and Łukasz Lassota at key stages of the project. Łukasz Olbryś contributed to the ideation phase as a UI designer. Agata Gałka ensured quality assurance throughout the project.

Project Plan and Execution Process

The project began with Discovery and Design workshops to understand client needs and branding requirements. This led to the development of a Product Structure and detailed Components Analysis. The team created wireframes and design mockups in Figma, followed by the implementation of the page builder and components in HubSpot. The home page and six additional subpages were developed, with the team integrating and onboarding the client's developer into the process. Throughout the execution, the team worked intensively, often overtime, to meet deadlines. The process involved close collaboration with the client, including their in-house developer, which proved beneficial for the project's success.

Tools and Frameworks Used

The team utilized a variety of tools and frameworks to complete the project. Miro was used for conducting workshops and preparing structure and component analysis. Figma played a crucial role in creating wireframes and graphic designs. HubSpot CMS served as the core platform for the page builder. Additionally, HTTP Request Variables were implemented for automatically selecting the default currency in the pricing based on user location.

Changes in the Client's Organization

The new page builder significantly increased ApprovalMax's ability to manage and modify their website independently. This likely led to changes in their content management processes, empowering different teams to update and create pages without relying on technical staff. The solution's flexibility may have also influenced their approach to creating and launching new web-based marketing initiatives.

Lessons Learned

The project provided valuable insights and learning opportunities for the team. They discovered that effective planning and component analysis in the early stages can save time and reduce costs during development. The importance of close collaboration with the client, including integrating their developer, was highlighted as a factor enhancing project outcomes. The team also learned that even with budget and time constraints, thorough planning and prioritization can result in a fully functional product meeting all key requirements.

Overall, this project enhanced the team's skills in HubSpot development, component-based design, and managing complex projects with tight deadlines and budget constraints.


Our project demonstrates excellence in HubSpot development, user-centric design, and client empowerment. It's a testament to our ability to create innovative, flexible solutions that solve real business challenges.

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