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Triptrade is AI-powered travel agency management system that also includes a sales platform—an online store featuring your offers. The platform offers an office panel that significantly simplifies and accelerates the work of a travel agency




3 months

Submitted by

USEO sp. z o.o.

Tech Stack



low-code generalist (1.5FTE), UX specialist (ad-hoc) Bubble


UX, UI, Full-stack, Sales

Link to case study:



1. Project Background

The project was originally undertaken in collaboration with a travel agency specializing in premium scuba diving adventures. Previously, this company advertised its trips using a WordPress-based solution, and the only way to book a trip was by contacting an employee via phone, email, or a contact form on their website. We decided to change this by providing a comprehensive advertisement and sales platform (similar to what is known from sites like r.pl), along with a back-office panel to manage offers, participants, payments, and metrics.

When deciding on the investment, we made a bold assumption:

A) There are other similar companies that may need this solution.

B) During the process, we would excel in Bubble and use it in the future to showcase our technical capabilities.

2. Challenges Faced

* Financing: We decided to sponsor the project with our own funds and time.

* Legal Aspects: Since the tool stores sensitive information about participants, we had to secure this aspect with the help of an external company.

* Technical: The solution is entirely based on the low-code platform Bubble, so we encountered some technical limitations or differences that we needed to overcome.

* Acquiring New Clients: Assumption (A) turned out to be incorrect, and this is the ultimate challenge we are currently facing. We are considering the next steps, including selling the platform or releasing it to the low-code community as open source.

3. Project Execution Process

The project was executed iteratively, with consultations from the SME (tour company) on functional requirements, including legal requirements that the company must fulfill in accordance with Polish government regulations.

4. Tools and Frameworks Used

* Bubble.io

5. Project Result and Achievements

The basic scope of the solution has been developed and is currently in the final stage of testing. We are also engaged in discussions and generating leads. TripTrade has allowed us to attract new clients who were looking for their own bespoke system and, thanks to this project, decided to use low-code solutions and our company.

6. Lessons Learned

* The low-code platform Bubble.io is mature enough to be used as a tool to validate the market at a much lower cost.

* Solutions built with Bubble.io have few limitations compared to traditional development.

* Time to market, development speed, and flexibility of the solution are strong arguments for businesses to choose this technology.

* We are closely examining what we could have done differently during the market research around point A."


We have over 15 years experience in software. Our low-code experience can be inspirational for young entrepreneurs  and eye-opening for the  ones who sees low-code as a interesting idea instead of platform providing real value for business.

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